...thought we should do today is to make up a list of songs.

Today's topic being the best world cup songs of all time.

Since the theme songs of the world cup are generally energetic and fun to listen to, I thought it would be just the thing to liven your Sunday afternoon up a little bit. Let's see which are the best ones to do this with, tho.

1. Shakira - Waka Waka

Admit it, you all secretly loved this song, no matter what everyone else says. And this song came out in the year when I visited Taizé too - so I remember it quite fondly. Especially since there were so many people singing it all around the little community.

2. K'naan - Wavin' Flag

No matter where you are from, there is no excuse... whenever this song comes up, you WILL hum along with it - whoever you are. 

3. Ricky Martin - The Cup of Life

I was pretty young when this song came out, but that wasn't a good enough reason to stay away from it. Whenever this song came up we all shook our asses like there was no tomorrow. 

4. E-type - Campione

The chorus of this song is still living inside every football fan's spirit. That's, in my opinion enough to be proclaimed one of the best songs of the World Cup. 

5. Enrique Iglesias - Can You Hear Me

Although we generally want something really energetic with our football games, and this wasn't exactly a really fast-paced song - Iglesias somehow managed to make it work. Yes, I admit, this wouldn't be the number one football song out there, but it is still good enough to be remembered. 
