...want to do, is to wish every woman out there a happy women's day.

As I said in an older post, this month is full with celebrations.

Well, this is one of them. If you want to know more about the history of this holiday, you can check out Wikipedia.

I'm just going to take the occasion and send out some love, happiness and pixy dust to all women out there, especially to mom, my sister, my godmother, my grandmother and every other female relative and friend.

I'm not going to mention them by name because the list would be too long and too boring for others, but know that I'm thinking about you.

Here's a whole bunch of snowdrops for you guys... and I'm going to assure you, they are real around here! Spring is here!

Speaking of snow... I also wanted to recommend you guys another show I just watched, a show called Once Upon a Time.

It's something that all the ladies - and probably even the gentlemen- would love. Especially if you guys loved fairy-tales as kids. The whole show focuses on those fairy tales, and it makes the connections from one story to another. It also brings in some real-world elements, since, well... apparently all the fairy-tale characters are stuck in our world. This might sound corny, but it's truly a unique show... with amazing actors in it. Actors like Ginnifer Goodwin (you might know her from Big Love) as Snow White, Jennifer Morrison (From How I Met Your Mother and Dr. House) as the main character, Josh Dallas (You might remember him from Doctor Who) as Prince Charming, Robert Carlyle (Durza from Eragon, also my favorite character in this show) as Rumpelstiltskin, Emilie de Ravin (Claire from lost) as Belle... and that's just the beginning.

The show is still rolling - it will have about 22 episodes and they aired 14 till now. So, of course now I actually can barely wait for the next one. I can number it on my fingers how many times I had that feeling of anticipation with a TV show...