...started watching is a new web series.

It's called Space Janitors, and it's pretty hilarious - especially for those who like Star Wars and also a whole bunch of sci-fi shows.
You know, the people who actually get, for example, a Doctor Who reference.

I found out about it via the Geekandsundry channel, which more or less belongs to Felicia Day. It's basically the home channel for The Guild, and a whole bunch of other geeky things, which means that yes - it also has a sci-fi and fantasy book club on it, so if you are a fan of the genre, you might want to check that one out.

Anyways, since I don't really have much time to write a long post today, you'll have to make due with the first five episodes of Space Janitors.

I promise you, it will be worth it!

Also, for those who didn't notice my new announcement, check it out! As always it's on the top right side of the blog. 