...have been thinking about is to write a post with famous last words.

I don't think all of these require much explanation - some of them are probably just the rambling of an insane mind, but they can be pretty fun to read. Some of them were probably rehearsed (although who would want to actually rehearse something they would say before dying is beyond me), but others are spontaneous - and thus, probably even more valuable. 

 Ok, now let's start with John Quincy Adams - who was the sixth President of the US. 

The guy was trying to oppose honoring US Army officers who served in the Mexican-American War, and suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage right there. He died two days later. His last words? "This is the last of earth. I am content." 

The second person on the list is Marie Antoinette, the eventual queen of France from 1774 to 1792. 

As you already know, she was beheaded at the Place de la Révolution (presently called Place de la Concorde). Her last words were: "Pardon me sir, I meant not to do it", which were said to Henri Sanson, her executioner. The reason behind this was that she had accidentally stepped on his foot when she was climbing the scaffold. Smooth, eh? 

All right, on to another one, this time an actress... Joan Crawford. 

Joan Crawford - 1936 - Hurrell.JPG

She died of a heart attack, but she was also ill with pancreatic cancer. At the time of her death the housekeeper was near her, and she started to pray, so Joan told her: "Dammit...Don't you dare ask God to help me." Then, she went out without any fanfare. 

The next one is infamous more than famous - James French. I don't have a picture of the guy, but who cares, right? 

It's enough to say that he was a murderer - in fact, the last guy to be executed with an electric chair. His last words were "Hey, fellas! How about this for a headline for tomorrow's paper? 'French Fries'!" 

Ok, how about some irony after this? 

Hector Hugh Munro, a British writer who was known by his pen name Saki. 

Hector Hugh Munro aka Saki, by E O Hoppe, 1913.jpg

He joined 2nd King Edward's Horse as an ordinary trooper in the first World War, and later transferred to the Royal Fusiliers. He was kind of insane (in my opinion at least), because he returned to the battlefield time and time again, even after being injured.

In 1916, he was sheltering in a shell crater in France with some other men, when he saw that one of them was smoking a cigarette. He said "Put that bloody cigarette out!", probably because he didn't want the Germans to find out where they were, and promptly got shot - because a German sniper heard him talk. 

Atelier de Nicolas de Largillière, portrait de Voltaire, détail (musée Carnavalet) -002.jpg

The guy you see on the picture is Voltaire. He died in 1778, and as soon as it happened a whole bunch of different stories started flying around about it. His enemies said that Voltaire accepted the last rites given by a Catholic priest, while some other people said that he was  defiant to the end. 

Still, there is a well known story that goes like this: a priest was trying to convince him to renounce Satan, and he said: "Now, now, my good man, this is no time for making enemies." 

All right, now Oscar Wilde. 

I'm not a huge fan of his books, tho I have to admit, the guy had style. As you already know, by the end of his life he was abandoned by almost every single one of his friends, mostly because of his homosexuality. The cheap hotel in France that he died in apparently had horrible wallpaper, because he uttered the following zinger before he died: "This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do." 

I guess the joke's on him? 