...put together for you guys today is a guide.

Not just any guide, though. A guide about what to expect in case you visit Transylvania...
First thing's first - people around here generally don't like all the vampire stuff.

Yes, you will find countless of souvenirs, because they bring good money - and god knows, we need the money -, but people still find them stupid.

But let's get down to business, right?

1. If you end up in a village around here, don't be surprised to find it in a bad shape.

Meaning, more often than not, villages have dirt paths, which become horribly muddy after a rain. Of course, tractors and carriages that come and go in those times don't help - they generally dig pretty bad holes in the ground. Thus, you will be better off if you live your precious cars at home. 

2. If you travel along these paths, also don't be surprised if you are stopped for long minutes until any animals are shepherded away. 

Yes, you can see shepherds all over the rural areas, especially if you are out at dawn or at the start of the evening, when the animals are generally brought home. They will be loud, smelly, and they will shit and piss all over the road. 

3. Don't be surprised when you find people dressed in traditional garbs. 

People here are all about traditions. Even when it comes to urban holidays you will find people going around in traditional clothes (almost every village has its own style!), and in rural zones even more so. These clothes are generally fucking heavy, hot, and complicated. 

4. Holidays... lots of them. 

Rural Transylvania has many, many traditions and holidays, even though nowadays they are not all celebrated in the traditional way. Easter, harvest balls, New Year's Eve, carnivals, weddings, celebration of new wheat and making bread, pig slaughter, a bunch of saints and different beliefs... you know the drill. So, don't be surprised if you arrive at some place when they are having a celebration... It's not a one of a kind happening. 

5. Food and drink... lots of it. 

If there is something that people take even more seriously than their traditions over here are feasts. 

We like to eat, and we generally eat a lot. A lot of greasy food, and a lot of meat. Also, there will be a lot of alcohol going along with that, and, of course desserts too. But let me tell you something here - they are all natural. 

In rural areas people still make their own wine and beer and spirits (especially), they still gather their own fruits and vegetables, and they still slaughter their own animals (of course, depending on where you are at). 

Thus, when someone hands you a glass of "pálinka", you WILL drink it. And enjoy it as it burns down your throat (its alcohol content can be anywhere between 37.5% and 86%). 

I'm serious, guys - people don't like it when you refuse food or drink. Thus... 

6. Be humble and polite. 

As I said before, people here take their traditions seriously. Especially in rural areas. 

Thus, here are a few advice you should take... First off, never accept a compliment - and don't be surprised if people won't accept them either. For example, if you would tell a parent that "Your son is very smart", they will more than likely tell you that "no, he's pretty stupid, actually". It's not because we are nasty, evil assholes, it's because we are trying to be humble. 

Also, here's something that will make your life a bit easier... if you are invited for dinner, or to visit someone else's house, you would do better to bring a little gift with you. Alcohol generally is enough, but if you bring flowers, always bring an odd number of them, because even numbers are only used at funerals. If you bring other gifts, they are generally opened as soon as they are received. 

When you visit someone, never accept food drinks or gift at the first time it's offered. 

Even if you are on the verge of dying from hunger... Don't worry, though - you will be asked multiple times to serve some food or drink. A good host always asks multiple times. Thus, when you expect someone from around here, don't take "no, thank you" literally. They will expect to be asked more than one time... 

Always address people by their honorific title when you first meet them. Keep using this, unless you are invited to use their first name. Until you ARE invited, you will be considered an outsider, and thus treated with the utmost formality. 

Oh, by the way- when it comes to business, be prepared to have to work on personal relationships too. Generally you will be able to cross some doors more easily if you are treated like a friend, and not a stranger. 

7. Don't be offended. 

People here are generally curious, and because we were cut of from the rest of the world for quite a long time, the general populace is also "weird" around strangers. 

People around here will oftentimes intrude in your "personal bubble", so to say - they will shake your hands, they will kiss you and they will touch you. I have to admit that this is not something I like either, but it's something that you can get used to. 

Also, people will ask you annoying questions, and people will refer to you with words that you might find hurtful. (For example I still use the word "néger", which I'm guessing, comes from "nigger" - when talking about black people. It's not because I'm racist - for me it's just a word. I guess you don't know it till you live it, right?) As I said, don't be offended - people don't generally use the words to hurt you. 

8. Dining... formal, that is. 

When you are invited somewhere it is generally expected of you to arrive on time - formal parties have up to about 15 minutes of time in which you can be late. Formal dinners require formal clothes too, and when you arrive check if shoes are to be removed. There are a whole bunch of homes where you can't enter the house with outside shoes (some people offer you slippers instead). 

At the table - for goes into left hand, knife is the right. Napkin always on the table, never in your lap. You can use bread to clean out your plate! Soak that gravy up, because it's the best part! 

All right, so all of this makes us seem like real uptight assholes, doesn't it? Don't be fooled, tho, if you keep to common sense you will find yourself in the hands of very generous hosts. 